
GravaStar is a brand that combines unique cyberpunk-inspired design with incredible quality. იხილეთ მეტი


GravaStar was born from the founder Yong’s vision to create a futuristic, cyberpunk world fusing sci-fi with hi-fi. The brand was established to merge mecha, metal, and technology in everyday products. With over 10 years of industrial design experience, Yong uses his personal passion to produce design-driven, hyper-modern playable collectibles that don’t compromise on sound quality.


GravaStar is incredibly different from any other brand and is inspiring customers to incorporate a mecha sci-fi look into their daily lives. GravaStar products take inspiration from classics such as Transformers, Gundam, and Star Wars.


The GravaStar team unites designers, craftsmen, artists, engineers, gamers, music lovers, and explorers. Together, we collaborate to create unique, cutting-edge products that blend creativity, technology, and passion.

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დახმარება GravaStar